Open source chat platform trusted by 12M+ users
in over 150 countries
Built by over 1000 developers across the world
Our vibrant open source community consists of more than 1000 developers across the world who are continuously improving our open source messaging platform.

Rocket.Chat achieves BITV 2.0 and WCAG compliance
We are proud to be BITV 2.0 and WCAG compliant, demonstrating our commitment towards ensuring digital accessibility for all individuals, thus breaking down barriers and fostering an inclusive virtual environment.

The open source advantage
Our vibrant open source community consists of more than 1000 developers across the world who are continuously improving our open source chat platform.

Security and data privacy
Thanks to the big number of independent developers that contribute to our open source projects, it is easier and faster to identify and fix security problems when they become apparent.
Open source code means just that—you get full visibility into the code base, as well as all discussions about how the community develops features and addresses bugs.
Flexibility and agility
Enable your IT teams to be more agile! Leverage our enterprise-grade customization options with complete access to source code so that your team can easily develop additional features without any restrictions.
Because there are more eyes on it, the reliability of open source code tends to be superior. With a worldwide community of experts working on the code, many organizations consider open source software as more reliable.
Open source is a critical driver of modern IT agendas
Open Source Software (OSS) is a critical enabler of IT agendas. Organizations increasingly turn to OSS to power digital transformation and to drive efficiencies, flexibility, and interoperability within their market.

Rocket.Chat holds an MIT license
Our MIT license is very permissive, and we don’t force copyleft. Unlike a few other providers that hold AGPL licenses, Rocket.Chat doesn’t force its customers to open source their new, internally created products.
What about Rocket.Chat's SaaS version?
We run the same Rocket.Chat on-prem versions in our SaaS platform, available publicly in our Github repository. The only code that we use in addition is the orchestration layer - which is heavily customized to our infrastructure and operations. Create a chat platform that makes most sense for your business!
The future is open
Open source is the future. Web, mobile, and cloud solutions are increasingly built predominantly on open source infrastructure. Some data and analytic solutions are only available in open source.